You probably are well aware of this by now, but just in case you found yourself on this page without reading the rest of the Alder Lake material, it is no longer a working Boy Scout camp. The information below is presented purely for historical purposes.
Alder Lake Procedure
1. Sign up for hike date with your program commissioner who then contacts Special Program Director. Please make your arrangements at least 48 hrs. in advance of departure.
2. Alder Lake has room for 12-14 patrols at one time from Onteora.
3. Upon arrival cheek in at the Office.
4. During 1st period, all troops going to Alder Lake will have to take their own food, cooking pots and utensils and tentage. Water will be near the campsite provided but you will have to dig your own latrine.*
5. A Safe Swim Area will be provided for troops desiring to run their own 8-defence swim. Prior certification, done here at our waterfront, will be required, you must have your Safe swim Card with you at Alder Lake. If there is space or equipment available, then troops from Onteora will be allowed to participate in General Swimming and Boating at Alder Lake. If a troop from Onteora anticipates in General Swimming and/or Boating, then the boys must have their Onteora Buddy tags with them.
6. When ready to leave notify Alder Lake Office; your campsite will then be inspected and the troop checks out.
* when the Country Store at Alder Lake is opened, all food purchases made by our troops will be on a cash only basis.
Onteora Scout Reservation Nassau County Council, BSA
I. Tents
A. May be drawn at Alder Lake from staff member.
B. Unit chooses own campsite in camp ground.
C. Each unit pitches its own.
D. Return tents to staff when leaving.
II. Food
A. Staples kept at Alder Lake - fresh commodities available when practical.
III. Swim
A. 8D used.
B. S.M. must be with unit.
C. Responsible Junior Leader or S.M. in boat while unit swims.
IV. Trail conduct
A. Carry your own drinking water.
B. Leave no trash behind you.
C. Do not stop at houses unless it's an emergency.
D. Unit travels together. Do not string out along the trail.
E. Stay on the trail.
F. Do not disturb other peoples' property in any way.
G. Obey "No Trespassing" signs.
V. Entering Alder Lake Property
A. Use the proper campground entrance.
B. Enter only with entire unit and leaders together.
C. From assembly area, send SPL to report to staff men
VI. Camping at Alder Lake
A. Use latrine boxes.
B. Burn all possible trash and put unburnables in proper cans
C. Leave tent poles leaning on a tree.
D. Manor House and dam are out of bounds.
E. Have a staff man check you out when ready to leave.
Driving instructions to Alder Lake (1972)
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