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Chiefs Division Campsites

I found a document listing some data on the campsites in the Chiefs Division section of camp. I'll have to look for the original as I don't have any date indicated here, but I believe it indicates the current capacities. I did note that another list of all the campsites at Onteora has different information on the sizes of some of the sites; that one isn't dated yet either. It does look like some of the campsites have been downsized over the years.

The campsites were generally arranged in alphabetical order along the loop road in the Chiefs area. Some exceptions are noted below. Note that the status and capacity of the sites shown below may not be current.

Campsite Capacity Patrols Notes
Adoette 18 2  
Black Beaver 20 2  
Cochise 44 5  
Corn Planter 20 2 Not on the main Chiefs loop road, but on a spur towards the filter beds. Now abandoned.
Cou-Tou-See     This campsite was added sometime between 1972 and 1986, based on available maps.
Dull Knife 32 3-4 This campsite was not in alphabetical order on the loop road.
Geronimo 26 3  
Hiawatha 24 3  
Kanakuk 30 3-4  
Little Calf 26 3 This campsite was not in alphabetical order on the loop road, but was on the road up from the lake towards the Council House. Added during the 1968 expansion. Now abandoned.
Little Raven 18 2 Now abandoned.
Massasoit 26 3 Now abandoned.
Nache 18 2 Now abandoned.
On-On-Tiio 44 5 This campsite was not in alphabetical order on the loop road, but can be found on the road up from the lake
towards the Council House.
Ouray 28 3-4 Now abandoned.
Pontiac 30 3-4 Now abandoned.
Red Cloud 10 1 Now abandoned.
Sitting Bull 30 3-4 Now abandoned.
Tecumseh 24 3-4 Now abandoned.
Wamesit 20 2 This campsite was not in alphabetical order on the loop road. Now abandoned.
Junior Leader Taring     Now abandoned.
Staff Training     Now abandoned.

Cochise and Geronimo are listed as being Tribes Camp in a 1972 schedule, and were assigned to the F. Howard Covey Program Shelter.