1973 Camp Staff Handbook

Nassau County Council

Boy Scouts of America

This handbook has been prepared to aid you as staff members to understand the policies and procedures under which the camps of the Nassau County Council, B.S.A. are operated.

Alder Lake, Camp Wauwepex and Onteora Scout Reservation are the long term supplement to a Scout's year round outdoor experience. In order that each Scout attending summer camp be afforded the best possible opportunity of program enrichment, each staff member needs to know where his contribution fits. Whether a staff member is directly related to the Scout's program or serves in a more remote support function, each position on the staff relates to the quality of a Scout's stay in camp, The following pages will place you in the picture of the great outdoor adventure called Summer Camp.

Camp Staff Contract

"Camp Staff Understandings"

1. During the period of employment, a staff member's full time is at the disposal of the camp. Each day presents certain opportunities for personal recreation and program participation.

2. While the specific function designated on the contract and the job specification sheet are the staff member's chief duties, he also helps forward the entire program and objectives of the Boy Scouts of America, assisting in any manner, assigned by the Camp or Reservation Director.

3. The camp exists for the Scouts. The Home Troop Scoutmaster is responsible for his own troop. The camp staff relieves him of many administrative details; trains and supplements him through the teaching of Scoutcraft skills; strengthens his leadership and supports him in dealing with his Scouts. Where Scouts attend as individuals the summer camp leader has the same relationship to the Scouts assigned to him as does the Home Troop Leader.

4. It is essential that staff members possess at least one complete official Boy Scout uniform. The summer uniform consists of khaki shorts, green Explorer short sleeve shirt, long khaki socks with red garter tabs. A neckerchief will be provided by the camp. Health Lodge and kitchen personnel may wear whites while on duty.

5. The conduct of a staff member, either in or out of camp which interferes with camp morale or undesirably influences the opinion of camp neighbors, will render him useless for further staff service.

6. Staff members desiring to bring cars to camp must secure advance approval from the Reservation Director and must carry adequate public liability and property damage insurance. In addition, each staff member must provide a certificate of insurance to the Reservation Director from his insurance company. Personal cars are not to be used for transportation in camp without the specific approval of the Reservation Director.

7. A satisfactory "Certificate of Health". the examination for which has been conducted during the calendar year for which employment is contracted, is required.

8. The personal effects of staff members are not covered for fire or any other risk under the insurance policies of the Nassau County Council, B.S.A. Should a staff member desire such protection, it's suggested that he contact his own broker.

9. Staff members under the age of eighteen must secure working papers from the school district where he is a student and file same with the Reservation Director.

10. Compensation is subject to withholding tax as fixed by federal-state regulations. Such deductions will be made from salary payments in accordance with the tax laws. Social Security will also be deducted. If you do not have a Social Security number, please secure one before arrival at camp.

Rules of the Council pertaining to Staff

Because of the close proximity in which we must live during camp, staff quarters must be clean. Number 10 tin cans should be in evidence for fire protection. Electrical fixtures are permitted only where the camp has provided the electrical connections. Staff should be sure that noise made in their areas or anywhere in camp, particularly at night, does not interfere with others.

It is important that staff get an ample amount of sleep during the summer as the best preventative for illness. Staff who are ill or injured should be seen at the Health Lodge.

"A Scout is Clean" staff members of necessity should set an example. Personal grooming will set the tone for the camp. Staff should be clean; hair should be neatly groomed and trimmed at all times.

The use of alcoholic beverages or drugs is not permitted on council property. Use or possession of same will be cause for dismissal.

The use of physical force by a staff member on or to a Scout is strictly prohibited.

Property belonging to the camp or campers should be treated with the same respect you would give your own. Equipment signed out by staff members should be promptly returned. Staff members will be held responsible for the facilities, equipment and supplies entrusted to them.

Scout camp is not an appropriate setting for fostering or advertising one's own social or political beliefs.



All staff members must have contracts signed by themselves and the Camping Director. Be sure you understand the meaning of the contract and the responsibilities that your job entails before signing. If for any reason you must break your contract let the Reservation Director know immediately.

Social Security
If you have a social security number, bring it with you to camp. If you have lost your social security number do not apply for a new number, but try to find it or contact your social security office (listed under U.S. Gov.) to find out what it is. If you have never had a number, apply for one through your social security office.

Boy Scout Registration
All members of the staff must be registered in some capacity with the Boy Scouts of America. Be sure your registration with a unit is current. If you are of college age and are not registered, you may register in the College Scouter Reserve by contacting the office.

Medical Examination
Before you come to camp you must have a medical examination. A form will be provided for you to be filled out by your own doctor. A medical recheck will be given during the early part of staff week.

Working Papers
All staff members under 18 years of age must have working papers. Contact your high school office for information on how to apply for them and what to do with them when you receive them. The final papers must be brought to camp with you or sent to the Reservation Director.

Staff are expected to be in camp for the dinner meal (6:00) on Sunday June 24, 1973. If you must arrive late contact the Reservation Director. Check in at the Reservation office upon your arrival at camp. When you arrive you must:
1. Fill out your W4 "Employee's Withholding Exemption Cert." You will need your social security number.
2. Fill out your Staff Member Identification Card.
3. Turn in your medical examination form.
4. Turn in your working papers (if under 18).
5. Turn in your certificate of insurance if you have a car.

The staff banquet will be held on Sunday evening. Staff members will be free to leave camp after having checked out at the office on designated date.

When a staff member's take down responsibilities are completed he is free to take down his own quarters and pack his gear. When this is completed he asks the key staff member who is responsible to sign his check-out card.

The check-out card is turned in at the office where any additional obligations are cleared.

Final payment is made by the Business Manager.

Staff members are required to remain in camp except for the following times:

1. Days off: Each staff member will receive one day off per week. The day off will be determined by your supervisor. You are allowed to leave camp no earlier than 4:00 p.m, the previous day and must return to camp and be in uniform ready to work at 9:00 A.M. the morning following your day off. Changes in days off are not allowed unless the specific change is approved.

2. The following regulations pertain to nights out:
You may not leave for your night out until your responsibilities are finished for the night , your night out must be approved by your supervisor and the key staff member on duty at the office; you must be in uniform and at breakfast the following morning. Nights out are not cumulative

3. Out of camp Staff members are not permitted to leave the camp except on authorized times off. Special time off or approved camp business trips must be approved by your supervisor and department head or camp director.

Time off in Camp
All staff members have time off during the week while in camp. Aside from participation in the camp program, Order of the Arrow activities, etc., the staff lounge is open to staff members only beginning at 7:00 p.m. The office, health lodge, T. P., etc. are business facilities of the camp and are not areas for loitering. These areas cannot function with non-essential visitors.

Sign in and Sign Out
Every time you leave or return to camp you must sign in or out, at the administration building. Your staff member identification card is to be used for signing in and out. If the office is closed when you return to camp, call the office in the morning and report in.

Camp vehicles are not to be commandeered for personal or other use, unless there is an emergency.

The speed limit for all vehicles is fifteen miles per hour. All staff members who drive vehicles operated by the camp will be required to read and sign a copy of the camp rules concerning motor vehicles.

Have all of your mail addressed as follows:

_________________________________, Staff
Camp Wauwepex
Wading River, NY 11792

_________________________________, Staff
Onteora Scout Reservation
Livingston Manor, NY 12758

_________________________________, Staff
Alder Lake Scout Reservation
Lew Beach, NY

Mail will be available for pick up in the camp room of the Dining Hall you are after lunch.

Telephone - Onteora
The only outside phones are located in the office. No personal phone calls to be made. The in camp telephone system does not connect with the outside lines.

Telephone - Wauwepex
The outside line is at the booth in front of the Commissary Building

Private Retailing in Camp
Only the camp facilities are authorized to sell articles on the council property. Any other selling must be authorized by the Reservation Director.

Pay Procedures
Pay checks are issued 4 times during the summer, each covering 1/4 (1 period) of your salary. Nassau County Council uses a computerized payroll system and checks are drawn on the 15th and 30th of the month. If the 15th or 30th fall on a weekend, the checks are drawn on the previous Friday.

W 4 Form
When you complete the "Employee's Withholding Exemption Certificate'? (W 4 Form) when you arrive at camp you will indicate how many exemptions you will claim. If you are single, you may claim 1 exemption which will allow the minimum amount of withholding tax for your pay bracket. Note that your parents may also claim you as an exemption if they are still supporting you. If you wish, you may claim "0" exemptions which will allow more money to be withheld from your pay check. You will pay the same amount of tax whether you claim "1"or "0" exemptions which means that if you are due a refund you will receive more money in the spring after you file your income tax if you claim "0" instead of "1".

Federal and State Income Tax Returns
You must file a 1973 income tax return before April 15, 1974 if:

1. You earned over $600 in 1973.
2. Any money was withheld (other than FICA - Social Security) and you wish a refund.

You need not file an income tax return if:

1. You earned $600 or under in 1973
2. No money was withheld other than FICA (Social Security).

W-2 Form
In January 1974, you will receive a W-2 form from the Nassau County Council stating your total earnings and withholdings for the year. A W-2 form IS NOT an income tax return, it must be attached to your return if you are filing a return. If you are not filing a return you can do what you wish with the W-2 form.

Separate returns are necessary for the Federal Government and New York State. Forms may be obtained at most post offices and banks after January 1, 1974 for income earned in 1973.

Federal Insurance Contribution Act or FICA (Social Security)
On each of your checks 4.9% will be taken out as your contribution to social security. The amount withheld will not be returned to you but is credited to your social security account from which you will receive benefits when you are eligible for social security. The council is required by law to equally match each contribution that you make.