The Onteora Scout Reservation, located in the Catskills, offers 2400 acres of unexcelled natural beauty. Rolling hills, a beautiful lake, woodland streams and miles of trails winding through hardwood forests, invite the Scout to participate in the ultimate in Scout Camping.

Onteora is located in Sullivan County, eight miles north of Livingston Manor. It may be reached by car using the New York State Thruway to Harriman, Exit 16 to route 17 to Livingston Manor. Turn left after exit and follow sign to camp.

In addition to its superb natural beauty, Onteora provides many physical features to aid and strengthen the patrols and troops.

These include central kitchen and dining halls, Heater Stack food service to campsites, and four "Country Stores," providing a wide variety of foods for meals prepared by the Unit. The Camp provides 48 campsites, comprised of tents and platforms or leantos. Each site is divided into patrol areas, each with its own cooking and dining shelter. In addition the camp provides three chapels, canoeing and boating facilities, three swimming areas, Conservation and field sports areas and excellent trout fishing.

A camp trading post is available to supply all of the various camper needs such as post cards, writing paper, and flashlight batteries, as well as candy, ice cream and handicraft items.


Camp fees at Onteora are based upon the food service plan desired by each Troop.

     Plan 1-$17.00 per Scout per period. Unit furnishes and prepares all meals.
     Plan 2-$35.00 per Scout per period. Camp furnishes one meal per day.
     Plan 3-$45.00 per Scout per period. Camp furnishes two meals each day. Unit supplies food and prepares one meal each day (usually breakfast).

All Troop reservations must be verified as to the number of campers by an individual application and a $5.00 reservation fee from each Scout on or before April 15, 1968. This fee is applicable toward the total camping fee. Registration fee is not refundable in the event of cancellation. Total camp fees must be paid at the Council office at least two weeks before the opening of the camp period.

1968 Camp Periods

First Period - June 29-July 13

Second Period - July 13-July 27

Third Period - July 27-August 10

Fourth Period - August 10-August 24

The camp period opens with the evening meal and furnishes a "take out" lunch on the closing day of the period.


The camp program at Onteora is planned and administered by the Troop and its patrols, assisted by Program Commissioners and the Camp Staff. The Unit planned program, together with the natural wilderness surroundings, stimulates a real Scout Camping experience, and its resultant Scout advancement. Highlight program opportunities include: Unit Canoe trips on the Delaware River, Trips to Balsam Roundtop Mountain, Horseback Riding, all phases of Aquatics, Hiking and Outpost Camp at many excellent sites including Alder Lake. Sprague Brook and Alder Lake provide the finest in Trout fishing. Seven Field Sport areas make archery and MoSkeet available for inclusion in the Troop program. In addition to the Troop planned programs, nearly all units participate in two camp-wide programs scheduled for the middle Saturday of each period. The camp-wide programs consist of a Retreat Ceremony, featuring over 1000 Scouts participating, and the Council Fire Ceremony. Visitors are invited to participate in the camp-wide program.


Bus Transportation to Onteora is available from several convenient locations in Nassau County. This service is available to individual Scouts and Explorers attending the special programs at Onteora as well as to Troops.

All bus arrangements should be made with the Schenck Transportation Company, 372 Jericho Tpke., Floral Park. Tel. FL 4-1600.

Click here for Page 3 of the 1968 Camping Flyer.