Onteora Scout Reservation
1970 Staff Photo Listing

I have not yet been able to find a copy of the staff photo for the entire camp staff from 1970. Several people have told me that no such photo exists - supposedly a fired staff member, Bill Dunn, snuck back into camp for the photo, which caused the camp director to order it destroyed when he spotted the unwelcome guest in a copy.

So, for now, here's what I have been able to find in the way of staff photos from 1970:

Various Staff (photo #1):

Ken Kugler or Charlie Berenson ??, Ralph Martinez, Joe Loughlin (JLTC), unknown, unknown, John Krauss, Rod Hirsch.
Driver - Bob Brown

Trading Post Staff (photo #2):

1st row - David Theoharides, Victor Cochran ??
2nd row - Don McGarry, George Bravo
3rd row - Mark Johnson, Chris Rehman

Council House Staff (photo #3 - courtesy of Billy Graham)

Top Row (left to right): Billy Graham, Wayne Carty, Danny Seltzer, Al Fuchs, Steve Brussell, Mike Collins, Mike Scott, Tom Shull
Bottom Row (left to right): Bob Kalish, Jim Shields, Steve Shull, Ken "Aaron Buxbaum" Schneider, Ken Westerberg, Tom West, Bob Kanziger, Steve Azzaro, Paul Becker

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