Onteora Scout Reservation Photo Album
Part 13 - Carlos Kebe's Reunion Weekend Photos

These slides were taken by Carlos Kebe during the Reunion Weekend, Sept. 28-30, 2001. Thanks to Carlos for sharing them with us. 

Pete Moreau and Phill Clark at Alder Lake
John Marshall and Eric Fesselmeyer preparing for the campfire finale (one of the canoes is hard to see in the shade on the right, but it's there.)
Another view of the canoeists
Steve Shull
Gary Wildung, Gary Cryan and Russ Rensch
Ken O'Brien and Ed Paprocki
Stan Rykowski, Allen Grosser, Walt Bailey (a nice guy) and Don Heiberg

Click here for the next page of Carlos' photos.

If you have any photos of your own please let me know. In the meantime, you can head back to the main Onteora page or the main Photos Page.