Onteora Scout Reservation Photo Album
Part 53 - 1977 Camp Presentation
Page 5


61 - Beaverkill Covered Bridge

Hiking from Onteora to the Beaverkill was a pleasant day trip. There's a nice swimming area at the bridge to help cool things down before the trek back.



62 - Cooking while on the trail

Scouts on overnight trips had to cook their own meals. I bet after a few of them there were less complaints about the dining halls.


63 - Camping on the trail

The accommodations over at Alder Lake were more primitive than back at Onteora, but it was still very much worth the effort to hike over for a night.



64 - Campsite gateway

Many troops built elaborate towers and fences around the paths leading to their campsites. It looks like this one includes a rather large rock for some reason. Here's hoping it was a counterweight and not a booby trap.



65 - Tug-of-war

Not tired enough from a day at the waterfront followed by a trip back up the Powerline trail? Well, we have just the thing for you - a boisterous game of tug-of-war on a rocky field.

Hey, we never said Onteora was for sissies!



67 - Campfire

Most troops ended each day with a campfire in their campsite. Memories are made of things like this.



68 - Parade Ground and Orchard Lake

Thousands of Scouts have been lucky enough to have camped at Onteora over the the years. Happily the camp has survived through some tough years and a closure and is still there for the Scouts of Nassau County.



69 - Sailboat on Orchard Lake

Thanks once again to those leaders who had the foresight to turn a run-down fishing camp into one of the premiere Scout camps in the country.



70 - Starting a fire

While some Scout camps have moved to air conditioned dining halls and heated swimming pools, Onteora remains a camp where the focus is on teaching Scouting skills.



72 - Log rolling contest

I've never actually seen this being done at camp, but it looks like fun!



73 - Archery target



74 - Silhouette of marksman



75 - Parade Ground and Orchard Lake

From the plague on the base of the flagpole:

for his gift of this property
to the
July 28, 1956

Onteora is more than 50 years old  - and going strong!



That's it for this trip back to the Onteora of 1976. I hope you enjoyed it!

If you have any photos of your own please let me know. In the meantime, you can head back to the main Onteora page or the main Photos Page.