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More items from the Trading Post

More things you likely never knew existed.


Turn anything into an Onteora or Wauwepex collectible!

Onteora decal Undated Onteora decal - 1971 1971 Wauwepex decal Undated

Hat Pins

These appear to have been popular in the late 1980s through the early 2000s. Thanks to Art Noble for donating many of these.

CSP pin A replica of the 386T-2 Council Shoulder Patch CSP pin Issued in 1997 for the 80th anniversary of the Council CSP pin Issued for the change in Council name
Onteora pin Onteora pin - undated Onteora pin Onteora pin - undated Wauwepex pin Wauwepex pin - undated
Wauwepex pin Wauwepex pin - undated Schiff pin Schiff pin - undated Cub World pin Wauwepex - Cub World - Diamond Jubilee
Cub World pin Wauwepex - Cub World - 1993. This is a very small pin. Cub World pin Wauwepex - Cub World - 1997 Cub World pin Wauwepex - Cub World - 1998
1993 Camporee pin Issued in 1993 for a joint camporee held with Suffolk County Council Buckskin Lodge pin Buckskin Lodge - undated Scout SHow 1987 pin 1987 Scout Show
Scout SHow 1987 pin 2001 National Jamboree
  More to come!

Miscellaneous Items

All sorts of things that didn't get their own categories.

Onteora keychain This key chain is just the thing to hang the keys to the Long House on! Staff lanyard - 1986Lanyard (bolo tie) - 1986

The 1987 edition was red with blue lettering.
CW lanyardThis Wauwepex lanyard wade by the same company that made the Neal neckerchief slides.
Onteora Money Onteora Money - this is the OSR equivalent of a wooden nickel. Made of a very thin piece of wood, it reads "Good only at O.S.R. Trading Post. Good Until August 31, 1968".
1967 paperweightA metallic paperweight from 1967 Onteora mug - 1981 - Troop LeaderThis piggy bank was available to C.O.P.E. participants at Onteora and Schiff.
Pocket flap for Potlatch - 1969Pocket flap for Potlatch - 1969 Pocket flap for Skilloree - 1970Pocket flap for Skilloree - 1970 More to come!

Neckerchief Slides - Buckskin Lodge

Buckskin Lodge neckerchief slide 25th anniversary of Buckskin Lodge (1970). Buckskin Lodge neckerchief slide Undated
Buckskin Lodge neckerchief slide Undated
Buckskin Lodge neckerchief slide Wooden slide
Buckskin Lodge neckerchief slide Plaster slide
More to come!

Neckerchief Slides - Miscellaneous

Here's a variety of neckerchief slides from the camps and various Council events.

1954 Camporee slide 1954 Camporee 1955 Camporee slide 1955 Camporee Wauwepex slide  1960Wauwepex - 1960
1961 Camporee slide 1961 Camporee 1962 Arrowhead District Exposition slide 1962 Arrowhead District Exposition Undated Roundup slide Undated Roundup
1974 Roundup slide 1974 Roundup Onteora Campaign Hat slide Onteora Campaign Hat
These small hats are made of leather.
Wauwepex Campaign Hat slide Wauwepex Campaign Hat
I think I have this one but am not sure where it's hiding.
Undated - 1960s slide Undated - 1960s Alder Lake Hiker slide Alder Lake Hiker
These slides, which were sold only at the Alder Lake trading post, have six raised dots to represent nails in the heel. Hikers would paint the appropriate color on a nail after hiking one of Onteora's trails.
Southworth Indian Pow-Wow slide Issued in 1967 for the first Southworth Indian Pow-Wow.
Southworth Indian Pow-Wow slide 1967 Southworth Indian Pow-Wow
1968 Camporee slide 1968 Camporee 1974 Cavalcade slide 1974 Cavalcade
1984 Onteora Staff slide 1984 Onteora Staff   More to come!


I bet most Scouts would have been spending their money on ice cream or candy at the Trading Post instead of picking up one of these pewter plates. The Bi-Centennial plate was manufactured by the Art China Co. of Sebring, Ohio and measures 6" across. I don't have details yet on the others.

Onteora Bicentennial plate Onteora Bicentennial plate Onteora plate - 1977 Onteora plate - 1977
Onteora plate - 1978 Onteora plate - 1978
Small ceramic C.O.P.E. plate Small ceramic C.O.P.E. plate
  More to come!

Stock Certificates

These unusual items were apparently part of a fund raising effort. The certificates are printed on parchment-like paper and measure 8x7.5 inches. The year is unknown but clues point to the early 1970s. They list all four of the Council's properties - the Harness Training Center, Camp Wauwepex, Onteora Scout Reservation, and Alder Lake Scout Reservation. Thanks to Brian Issing for the loan of the certificates for use here on this site.

Stock certificate - 1 share1 share denomination Stock certificate - 2 shares2 shares denomination Stock certificate - 5 shares5 shares denomination
Stock certificate - 10 shares10 shares denomination Stock certificate - 25 shares25 shares denomination NASSAU COUNTY COUNCIL

This Certificate Is Evidence That
Has Purchased Shares In The Above
Named Company And Through This Purchase
Is Entitled To The Dividends Of Same;
Namely The Joy of Providing Camping
Facilities For The Scouts Of Nassau County.
(signed) Sol Leiman

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