These items were released to publicize either the television series or the film compilations.
7UP advertising
As one of the two sponsors of the series 7UP issued a number of items to promote the show.

This fan card featuring a facsimile autograph of Guy Williams was available through the mail or at events sponsored by 7UP retailers.

These posters were displayed at 7UP dealers and markets.

7UP passed out matchbooks at soda dealers and tobacco retailers that were printed with the station and air time for that local television market.

This pin-back button was available through the mail or at events sponsored by 7UP retailers. It came in 1-1/8" and 1-3/8" versions.

This metal tab button is much harder to find than the pin-back version.

This 3" button was used as a name tag holder at a sales convention.

7UP also included a mention of Zorro in print ads that really had nothing else to do with the series. This one includes the message "New from Walt Disney Studios - Zorro - Daring, dashing adventure - Every week on ABC-TV."
AC Delco advertising
The series other sponsor, AC Delco, also used Zorro in an ad campaign.

This four-color print ad ran in a number of national magazines. Like 7UP, AC Delco also ran other ads that briefly mentioned Zorro in small text inserts.
Fan cards
Lucky fans could get these by writing to the actors, Walt Disney, the Studio, and advertisers, or in person at one of the Zorro days held at Disneyland.

This card featured pictures and facsimile autographs of Guy Williams, Gene Sheldon, and Henry Calvin.

This card featured a picture and facsimile message from Guy Williams. The message reads "Thanks for writing," with Guy's signature and a scrawled "Z".

This color card was sent to viewers in Holland during the 1964 syndication run.
The Sign of Zorro
These items were released to publicize the 1958 theatrical release compiled from episodes from the first season of the series.

These cards were displayed outside theaters to promote the film.

This 27x41" poster was used to advertise the original 1958 release.

This 27x41" poster was used to advertise the 1978 re-release. Advertising styles had certainly changed in 20 years.

A 14x36" insert poster from the 1958 release.

A 22x28" half-sheet poster from the 1958 release.

This 9x12" press book contained 24 pages of news stories, photos, ad mock-ups, and other publicity material that would be tailored for use in local advertisements.

This is an Italian poster from the initial release.
Zorro the Avenger
These items were released to publicize the 1959 theatrical release of the second compilation film.

This contained advertising material that would be used in local ads.

This poster is from the United Kingdom release of the film

This poster is from the Croatia release of the film, and used the artwork created for the US release of The Sign of Zorro.