Camp Wauwepex
1936 Staff List
The following names were found in news articles of the time and this is not likely to be a complete list.
F. Howard Covey, Camp Director
Irving F. Southworth, Assistant Director
Ed Denning, Unit Leader
Jordie Sykes, Unit Leader
Hughie Orth, Outpost Director
Ed Greer, Outpost
Wray Landon, Skipper of "Albatross"
Johnnie Scharf, Health Lodge
Lou Felter, Craft Lodge
Joe Star, Craft Lodge
John Wolff, Craft Lodge
Ed Hoffman, Craft Lodge
Milt Porter, Dramatics
Furman Stanley, Waterfront
Sid Hogerton, Waterfront
David Lord, Waterfront
Bill Cook, Waterfront
Earl Hilfiker, Nature Study Director
Myron Blumenthal, Editor of "Nassau Scouter"
Gene Hoeffler, Secretary to F. Howard Covey
Al DeClue, Steward
Jerry Sealey, Steward
Gordon Lewthwite, Bugler
Ed Stanley, Adjutant
Bert Grace, Quartermaster