The 1964 Camp "A" Award is proudly displayed by Camping and Activities Chairman Jim Connors, center, and Ken Heim, right, while Council President Walter W. Mallett explains significance of award. Picture was taken after regional inspections of both Camp Wauwepex and Camp Onteora last year. Both camps receive "A" awards for excellence in facility, program and staff.
In The Good Old Summertime
The anticipation of spring has kindled in the itchy feet of all Nassau Scouters the urge to hit the trail to the wide out-of-soords again, the summer camping season is almost at hand. A few spots are still open in the fourth week at Onteora and in the first and fourth weeks at Wauwepex, reservations should be made as soon as possible so not to disappoint boys who anticipate going to summer camp.
Ken Heim announces that Scouts will be taken at Wauwepex on a provisional basis for one period or for the whole summer. Provisional camping does not require the Scout Unit to provide its own leadership.