Onteora Scout Reservation
2000 Staff List
Jim Kent
David Barkstedt
David Seus
Glen Gabbard
Camp Director
Camp Commissioner
Program Director
Ranger |
Kathy Brown - Business/Office Manager
Bob Murray
George Lipper
Jennifer Paul (CIT)
JP Latkovic - Co-Director
Fred Thornley - Co-Director
Mike Kirsch - Asst. Director
Mary Messina
Kerin Hulsizer
Chris Grim
Ryan Jappell
Arthur Brandecker
Shawn Aronoff (CIT)
Richard Brady (CIT)
Thomas (TJ) Stebner
Campcraft/Dan Beard
Jack Keenan - Director Dan Beard
Dave Gerace - Director Camp Craft
Frank Zero
Bob Pollack
Dan Black
Amos Rosenstein
Anthony Zero (CIT)
C.I.T. Program
Tim Callahan - Director
David Cavill
Debra Hansen - Director
Gary Hansen - Asst. Director
Bryan Hagmaier
Patrick Murtha
Kerstin Jager
Rick Stone
Matt Hathaway
Bill Elliott - Quartermaster
Bernard Zanetti
Ed Robinson, Sr.
Marcel (Marty) Richardson (CIT)
Steve Lewis (CIT)
Commissioner Staff
Les Cox
Don Smith
Janice Sofia
Brian Issing
Elice Walsh
Cooking Staff
Ken Guarino - Head Cook
Roseanne Gullans
Robert Smith (CIT)
Craft Lodge
Carol Martino - Director
Greg Benoit
Joe Polizzi
Dotty Monaco
Adam Fried
Adam Gellender (CIT)
Health Lodge
Frank Messina - Director
Steve Silvernail - Asst. Director
Lorraine Sawicki
Mike Kent (CIT)
Indian Village
Dave Welsh - Director
Jeanine Welsh
Chris Weickowski (CIT)
Richard Delasant (CIT)
Mountain Bikes
Dave Barkstedt - Director
Dan Munz
Travis Barkstedt (CIT)
Mountain Men
Steve Clark - Director
Chris Grim
Jeff Stein (CIT)
Peter Gallagher (CIT)
Tim Burkard (CIT)
Carl Gullans - Director
Kevin Kerrigan - Asst. Director
Pat Callahan
Fred Katzenberger
Chris Jager
Matt Steiner (CIT)
Clifford Gullans
Order of the Arrow
Jeff Harris - Coordinator
Gary Hansen - Advisor
Anne Silvernail - Asst. Director
Provisional Troop
Bill Fryer - SM
Shooting Sports
Joe Laratondo - Director
Dave McCredo, Jr. - Asst. Director
Charlie Sadler
Ed Robinson, Jr.
Ray Pomerico
Chris Smith
Zachary Shelton (CIT)
Trading Post
Dan Osnato - Director
Ursula Valentine
Chris Kirsch (CIT)
Dan Burkard (CIT)
Steve Gershowitz - Asst. Director
Justin Gershowitz - Asst. Director
Wilderness Survival
Duane Reif - Director
Ed Flanagan - Asst.
Camp Services
Rick Balla - Director
Victor Varonier
Anthony Polizzi
Steve Sadowski
Tom Walsh
Steve Ferder
Chris Bertsch
Philip Sofia (CIT)
Dan Fryer
Brian Messina
Camp Driver
Al Ehl
Special Services
Lynn Nolan - Director
Faun Guarino - Newspaper Editor
Janice Pomerico - Camp Room/Field Sports
Dick Horn - OSR Telephone Co.
Steve Kirsch - Astronomy
Council Office
Trip McMillan - Scout Executive
Joseph Kalamar - Asst. Scout Executive
Slide Show
Camp Director's Minute
Some Kind of Meat
Green Leafy Salad
Colorful Crisp Vegetables
Tender Rice
Melt in Your Mouth Desert
Wet Beverages
Uncle Henry, Dear Aunt Dora
Here we are at Onteora
We can swim here, it's really nice
Too bad the lake is still filled with ice!
Our Camp Director, he's a "he man"
He's a real man, he's the key man
He's always with us, he'll never fail
But how come he wears an earring and pony tail!
The Program Director is David Seuss
From an institution, he just got loose
He treats the staff, really mean
That's why they placed crazy glue in his latrine!
Now there's Darkside, who has a Council Ring
He teaches native dancing and all those other things
He's kind of scary, he's kind of creepy
But we've heard he wears a tu tu in his teepee!
There's Rick Balla, he's quite the fella
He has a list which keeps us ________
If he really annoys us, well let him know
We'll get his clipboard up to Joe LaRotonda!
Our CIT's have this maniac
His name is
Timmy and that's a fact
He works them hard, he charges rent
That's why they put poison ivy in his tent!
Our Camp Commissioners, they make us clean
But they get lost, going to the latrine
It really concerns us and everyone cares
Cause now we have nothing to feed the bears!
There's a Commissioner with just 9 fingers
Over breakfast, he never lingers
He works hard, he's also fast
Too bad he can't tell his diesel from his gas!
It's getting late now, we have to go
I think that its starting to snow
Just one more thing that's really scary
Ken, our cook is directly descended from Typhoid Mary!