Harold Snedeker at the summit
Our fearless leader takes a well-deserved rest at the top of Baldy. He did a great job of keeping us in line during the entire trip.
Cory Morganstern, Harold Snedeker, Bill Cotter, Tom Gavin
Bill Cotter
Yours truly at the top
Looking back up as we begin the trip down
Baldy after the hike
We finally made it safely to the bottom. It was an incredible day.
Deer or cow skeleton
After we made our way back down Baldy, we pretty much spent the day resting at the campsite. As my journal mentions, at night we were treated to a visit by some antelope. A number of us had walked into the meadow to explore it, and to take pictures of a deer or cow skeleton. The others had headed back and I was hanging back trying to get a better shot. Suddenly, two antelope came charging across the meadow, right at me! One broke to each side of me, then they circled back and did it again. From across the meadow I could hear people yelling "Get out of there" - yeah, right - ever try to out run an antelope? Trust me, can't be done. Luckily, the antelopes tired of playing chicken after 3-4 passes and they left for other adventures. I had kept snapping photos throughout this and was convinced they would be perfect for National Geographic. Unfortunately, it was too dark and none of the antelope shots came out at all.